One Step Closer – who we are and what we do

We are the Town Centre Mission team, operating out of The Parish of Bracknell.

We exist to promote a visible and public Christian presence in Bracknell town centre, to bring local churches together, to reach out to new residents and all who live and work in Bracknell – to bring us all one step closer together and one step closer to God.

Lynn Davidson and Steph Littlejohn, our Chaplains, currently work part-time together in our town centre.   The Chaplains visit shops, Lexicon employees and those working independently in our town. They connect with the police, security staff, Bracknell and Wokingham college and those providing local services. They are there to provide a listening ear and stand alongside people to help them see the value in their work and lives. The Chaplains signpost people to local community projects and churches etc.

The Town Centre Mission organises events in the town to bring a Christian presence on special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. TCM also offers invitations to the churches across our town. TCM has also provided opportunities for residents and shoppers to gather together and be in community.