Prayer Diary
Welcome to our Prayer Diary:
The prayer notes are divided into 4 weekly sections. This will allow us to be more thoughtful about each individual or topic.
If you have a specific person you wish to be added to the list please let Robin know. New entries will be included weekly for a whole cycle and then once every 4 weeks. Should situations change please also let Robin know – especially if people wish to be taken off the list.
Section 3
In week beginning 26th January we pray for:
Our Children & Young people, Youth Group, Sparklers, children’s activities at Holy Trinity
Mission Aviation Fellowship: we bring the work of the staff and volunteers, before God and give thanks for the many individuals and families helped by MAF
Older people: Care Homes, Bickerton House, Clement House Residents, visitors and Families
The Bracknell Deanery Churches, their clergy and lay staff –
The Bracknell Churches and the work done across the town by all the denominations who meet in Christ’s name.
Everyone affected by homelessness
Especially we pray for:
Pippa Lloyd & family, Lucas Durand, Adelaide and Robert Bunker, Wendy Bennett, Jeff Dennis, Ann Warren
At Year’s Mind: Edward Fielden, Daisy Young, Edith Muriel Harris
Prisoner of Conscience: Armenian citizen Hakop Gochumyan, 35, was arrested with his wife in Iran in August 2023. Both were subjected to psychological torture and intense interrogation. Hakop’s wife Elisa was released in October 2023. In February 2024 Hakop was sentenced to 10 years in prison on the charge of ‘Illegal Christian activity through membership and leadership in a network of Evangelical Christianity.’ Hakop’s appeal in June 2024 was unsuccessful.
Section 4
In week beginning 2nd February we pray for:
Our Parish, Holy Trinity and Mosaic, The Town Centre Mission, our administrators Linda and Sally
Everyone working in the local Police, Fire and Ambulance services. Those employed to manage our open spaces, collect the bins and who provide social and community services.
The many people who work for Charities and especially, in our local area Share and The Food Bank.
Especially we pray for:
Linda & Darren Edwards, Andy Taylor, Jean and Brian Sturges, Laura Chase, Rosalind Willatts
At Year’s Mind: Thomas Gordon Hobley, Raymond Allen Newman
Section 1:
In week beginning 12th January we prayed for:
Holy Trinity and Mosaic; Clergy – Robin, Beth and Nicola, churchwardens Angela and Russell
Thames Hospice, we bring the work of the staff and volunteers, before God and give thanks for the many individuals and families helped by Thames Hospice.
Schools (Staff& Pupils): Harman’s Water, Holly Spring, Crown Wood, Ranelagh. We think of the learning of pupils and pray for their well-being and their families and homes
Bishop Steven, Bishop Mary, Archdeacon Stephen and all the diocesan and Archdeaconry staff.
News: rescue services, flooding and problems in the last few days, wild fires in California, everyone affected by the earthquake in Tibet
We especially pray for:
Nicole and Freya Evered, Koi Wan, Steve Clark, Clint Frost (Debbie and Ellen) , Colin Latham Felix Dias
At Year’s Mind: Ellen Jessica Giles, Ada Shorey, Winifred May Langley, Beryl Chapple, Davina Cecily Morris
Prisoner of Conscience: Father Henrykh Akalatovich, 64, a cancer survivor, was arrested on charges of ‘high treason’ for criticising the Government of Belarus and detained, he was refused food and warm clothing. Henrykh was sentenced on 30th December and sentenced to 11 years imprisonment.
Section 2
In week beginning 19th January we prayed for:
Our Volunteers – those who help with maintenance morning, refreshments, welcoming, service leading, flower arranging, Children’s Activities, PCC
Refuge, we bring the work of the staff and volunteers of the charity Refuge before God, and give thanks for the many individuals and families helped by Refuge
The Hospitals, Surgeries and the Health Care Staff in our area, we give thanks for all the patients and families supported. We pray for the capacity crisis currently facing the whole NHS
Our Communities and Local Government, our Councillors and Local Authority staff .
Everyone struggling with the cost of living or having to find ways to live with poverty
News: the prospect of a ceasefire in Gaza, the hostages and their families. The many people harmed and affected by the mine tragedy in South Africa, especially those seeking justice in this situation.
We especially pray for: Sue Parker, David Foster, Oscar Taylor, Tania, Alex and Murron Garstang-Sivewright, Patricia Hughes, Ann Green
At Year’s Mind: Mary Doreen ‘Betty’ Shorter, Douglas Henry Montague Saunders, Frederick Leslie Langley, Edward Fielden
Prisoner of Conscience: Yu Wensheng, 57, a lawyer, human rights activist and winner of the Martin Ennals Human Rights Award. He was arrested in 2023 in Beijing whilst meeting with an EU delegation. In October 2023 Yu was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for ‘Inciting subversion to state power’. An appeal was heard, but rejected. Yu’s health has seriously deteriorated due to harsh conditions and treatment.