
Prayer – an infinite path

There are many different ways of prayer and meditation within the Christian tradition.
Each has its own place and function.  These include:

  • Prayer with words or in deep silence.
  • Intercessory prayer – holding other people and situations before God.
  • Meditative reading of sacred texts and spiritual teachers.
  • Reciting or singing set prayers from the tradition – a practice which helps shape or form our spiritual being.
  • Spontaneous prayer, spoken or sung: the heart’s outpouring to God.

Prayers for healing and intercession

Jesus is the great healer and he encourages us to ask for what we need in prayer. This is what we call intercessory prayer.

If you would like someone to pray for you, you can ask for this in church on Sundays, by speaking to Robin or Beth or the welcome team.

If you would like prayers for healing or for any other situation even if you are not present in church (whether for yourself or someone else) then please ask to be included in our regular weekly intercessions.  To do this, submit a request using the contact form below.  If you want the name of the person prayed for to be included in the public worship of the church on Sundays please tell us the reason and their name, that is the name they usually use and surname – we cannot include just a forename.

Our intercessions are organised in a Prayer Diary, available at this link.

A selection of helpful links are at the bottom of the page.