Holy Trinity
An oasis of prayer and worship in the centre of Bracknell
Sundays (please check calendar for current pattern)
0800 quiet reflective communion service, lasting about 45 mins. Popular with those who like to get on with the rest of the day and for those who appreciate the stillness of the early morning.
0930 main parish act of worship, for all ages with music, singing, prayer, preaching and communion every week. On the 1st Sunday it has a more formal feel with Sung Communion, on the middle Sundays and All-Age communion including Children’s Activities. The last Sunday of the month is Family Service of the Word, with no Communion.
The 9.30 service is followed by refreshments in Langley Hall.
Week Days
Morning Prayer is held on Tuesday Mornings – during the warm months in the Lady Chapel, in colder times in the Langley Hall meeting room.
Holy Communion is held on Thursday mornings at 10.00am in Langley Hall – followed by refreshments.